Security for your car showroom or garage

Security for your car showroom or garage

Security is more than just a good feeling.

From round-the-clock surveillance to regular patrols by our security service, OE Group AG protects your valuable operating resources and strengthens your business confidence with highly developed security technology and specially trained employees. Our customized solutions offer far more than just a good feeling. On the one hand, they have a preventive effect. On the other, they prevent significant damage to your business and workshop premises, vehicle theft, and serious disruption to your operational processes in an emergency.

Auto Werkstatt 375X413

Open eyes for the protection of your car showroom and car service company. 

OE stands for "Open Eyes" — open eyes for your security needs. We analyze your company with foresight and provide comprehensive advice so that you receive a tailor-made solution that can be seamlessly integrated into your business. Because OE Group AG understands the unique security requirements of workshops, showrooms, and sales outlets. Our mission is to guarantee security that impresses around the clock (24/7) with excellent service quality - so your company is always optimally positioned to operate successfully.

Cutting-edge technology for your operational safety.

Our specialized solutions and services for car dealerships and garages:

  • Scalable monitoring systems protect vehicle fleets, workshops, offices, and salesrooms, tailored to your business and open for future growth.
  • Proactive protection: Sophisticated technologies and artificial intelligence detect potential threats in real-time.
  • 24/7 monitoring/control center: Around-the-clock reliable protection and qualified contact persons.
  • Transparent & flexible pricing structures: No hidden fees and short contract terms.

Your contact for a secure future.

Put your trust in a partner who understands your security needs. Contact us for an individual consultation and find out how we can secure your company with a tailor-made concept.